Saturday, December 11, 2010

Professional Business Clothing Video

This video is about appropriate business clothing and what to wear in the office. It really explains what I have been trying to say this whole time. It shows women how to dress and what should be worn in the office and what should not be worn.

I believe that videos can support textual information. Sometimes a video can give a more clear understanding of what the blogger is trying to get at. It also gives the reader a variety of what to do on your blog postings. It makes them more interested in your blog and shows the readers that you are basing your information on more than one source.
Embedding a video is different that adding a link to a video, because when you set up a link, it takes you to the website where the video is. As for embedding, the video is right there and you don't need to click on a link to go on to a new page. This is more helpful for the readers cause it is easier for them to view your videos.

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